Burmor join ‘the sustainable digital inclusion revolution’
Burmor Construction recently joined ‘The Sustainable Digital Inclusion Revolution’. We have started working with Sustainable Tech 4 Good and through their secure and sustainable solutions we have been able repurpose our unused technology into areas where people need it the most within our communities. Not only that, our business has been able to do good by the environment by others reusing our technology, rather than purchasing new.
Sustainable Tech 4 Good offers a complete solution that covers businesses against data breach, while making IT refresh strategy both sustainable and working for social good. They cover all tech, from legacy through to current day, and from hand-held through to server equipment, with the ability to data erase on and off-site and decommission server set-ups, if required. Not only that, but any excess equipment is repaired and refurbished, and made plug-and-play ready for distribution to their Charity Partners who get it to those most in need.
Last year, Burmor donated old, unused tech equipment to Sustainable Tech 4 Good after having an initial meeting with Charlie Gowling about how we could use their sustainable solutions to align with our mission to building and improving futures for those that need it most. The whole process has been simple and effective and the outcomes have been even better.
BEAM – 1 x donated laptop - This device provided help for a user to have online workshops and classes, enabling the teaching of skills to create opportunities for employment.
Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign – 1 x donated laptop - This device was donated to a refugee who had newly arrived in Cambridge to give them a better chance of succeeding within the UK but also giving them a connection to their family and friends back home.
Statistics and Data:
14 - Kg of eWaste saved from landfill.
12,582 - Litres of water saved from additional manufacturing.
1.9 - Tonnes of C02 saved from entering the atmosphere.
10.8 - Tonnes of Earth’s resources saved from being used.
As a business with Financial and Human Resources we have the opportunity and capacity to make a greater impact than individuals acting alone and by thinking and acting more sustainably, by working with other organisations, we hope to contribute to a better future for all.