Affordable Housing: 40 Dwellings - Brooke Road, Oakham

Client: Platform Housing Group
The design and construction of 40 dwellings for Platform Housing Group, consisting of 12nr 2-bed semi, 16 3-bed semi, 4 4-bed semi, 4 1-bed maisonettes, 4 2-bed bungalows which are a mixture of shared ownership and rented units.
The dwellings are to be built on piled foundations, utilising traditional brick and block construction; some brick clad, with a small number to be rendered.
The scheme will also include the introduction of a balancing pond to the south of site, and a new adoptable estate road.
Thank you to Minster Property Group for another successful collaboration, and to James Garner Architecture and the team at JPP.
This development is due to complete in Spring 2025.
The Senior Quantity Surveyor leading this project is Connor Hare and the Site Manager is Tom Garner.